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Short Story| 02 "The Wellcrest"

The Wellcrest is a creative piece I worked on in several of my graduate class workshops. It is about a once renowned, now decrepit, hotel in the 1960s and its lazy, often snide, employees. It has undergone several revisions including a point of view switch. It is currently intended to be limited omniscient focusing on Max as the main character. It was inspired by The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Poetry | 03 "Quanto Caldo è Il Sole?"
​Poetry has never been one of my strong suits, but I've always enjoyed writing it. This is a piece I wrote for one of my poetry workshops as an undergrad. It was inspired by the passing of my grandfather who is one of my very favorite people. 
Emulation | 04 "The Unauthorized Autobiography of Me"

This was inspired by "The Unauthorized Autobiography of Me" by Sherman Alexie. I was asked to emulate his style in one of my undergraduate classes. Copying his style and form resulted in a cathartic experience for me as a writer.

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>

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Magazine Piece — Creative Nonfiction| 01

This is a piece I've wrote for the March 2018 issue of the Fra Noi, an Italian-American magazine. It's a creative nonfiction piece about my family's tradition of celebrating St. Joseph's Day, a popular Italian holiday that occurs in March, and how our traditions have shaped and reshaped over the last century.

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